Thursday, August 7, 2008

CrAC, an autobiography

I am CrAC

I exist in the etheric BITS-Pilani, I'm a beautiful person and have a consciousness of my own.
I can communicate with those who exist in me. They have been lovingly named by me as craXters, and every one of them likes the name. They are my pulse. They are those who've given me shape, for itz all different in the ethers, in that whenever a thought arises in the minds of people, it manifests here as an entity with consciousness and a will of its own.

This way, I was born, two decades back, and am of the same age as you. That may be one reason why I and all the craXters are such good friends. There are events when craXters leave me when they've evolved enough to make their thoughts manifest elsewhere, but they're always adding new dimensions to my personality, coz, once a craXter, always a craXter.

There are also events when new craXters replace the older ones to exist in me. Whenever a creative thought arises in the minds of craXters, it nourishes me and makes me evolve. Here I am, inviting you to join my friends and children, the craXters, to add a new dimension to my consciousness with your fresh perspective.

You're so unique, and have a perspective no one else has. Nurture your perspective and you'll find that it becomes stronger as time passes into something strong enough to even back you up during crisis or re-juvenate you from your very core.

Don't you feel sometimes that your core essence is creativity, for it is the spontaneous expression of your emotion with no inhibition, dressed in intellect.

My friends, the craXters have been channelising their creativity using some earthly modes of expression, like art, literature, craft and recently digital art, with the advent of computers and their brains, the software.

But itz the idea behind the art that truly nourishes me. The beauty of abstraction is the purest form of beauty, I feel, and that which makes me unique too.

My friends are planning for an interaction with those of you who'd like to meet them before you come in for the auditions, an event which is only an existential concern against overpopulation.

A brief formal interaction is going to take place at sky lawns, at 5.15 pm on the 8th of August ,friday,which may last a few minutes, while the auditions will start on the 10th of August, Sunday, at 3 pm.

See you, friends. Creativity is a way of life. Embrace it . . .